Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fred's Trip to El Centro

There is definitely beauty in the desert. On one of Fred's trips to El Centro, where it reaches 115 degrees on any given day and where his boots melt into the asphalt of the flight line, he took these beautiful photos along his commute. Take a look...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Today's Administrative Solutions

Partnering with a Virtual Assistant may be the answer to increasing revenue for your small business. If you are lucky enough to be experiencing business growth, you probably see additional administrative tasks that accompany this growth. How about increasing your revenue even more by improving the efficiency by which the administrative tasks are completed? Delegate them to a Virtual Assistant so you can spend more time with your clients, potential clients, or producing new products.

With Today's Administrative Solutions, you will find professional and reliable Virtual Assistants who have the utmost integrity and vested interest in helping you grow your business.

Visit www.todaysadmin.com to find out more information and do not hesitate to give them a call. They are friendly, courteous, and professional.

Until next time...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Desert Tripping

This is a wild peacock we saw on our trip "to" the desert...we witnessed this beautiful creature jump onto a 6 foot fence. We were quite surprised to say the least. Did you know they could do that?

There are Joshua Trees everywhere here...

There is indeed drifting sand and sand tornadoes here in the desert...did I mention I believe we experienced an earthquake two days ago. Not sure because it was so quick, but pretty sure...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Trip to see Atlantis return to Edwards

A few weeks ago, we took a trip up to the Northern edge of Edwards AFB to see the space shuttle return from its historic mission to repair the Hubble space telescope for the second time. After three days in a row with the weather in Florida not being favorable to welcome back Atlantis, we were lucky enough to be here to see the astronauts come home. It was incredible to see and exciting to hear the sonic booms when the shuttle re-entered. Afterward, we had breakfast at the Mojave Airport in a little restaurant called The Voyager. The Mojave Airport (Space Port) is the home of both Voyager and SpaceShip One. Voyager being the first airplane to fly around the world on a single tank of gas. SpaceShip One being the winner of the X prize for going into space twice in the same week. It was definitely an aviation bonanza for the boys that day.

The maroon arrows mark where Atlantis is located in the picture I took above.

Everett and kids playing with a soccer ball in the Mojave desert while waiting for Atlantis.

Mojave Air and Space Port where we ate breakfast at The Voyager.

I couldn't help but take this picture of a cool sign on the side of the road. We estimate that it is from the 60s. See the pretty mountains in the background?

See ya next time...